What Is CS Week?
CS Week is the premier annual educational and customer service conference serving electric, gas and water/wastewater utility professionals across North America and around the world. CS Week provides learning and networking opportunities in support of the utility CX Puzzle: Billing & Payments, Contact Center, Credit & Collections, Digital Engagement, Disruptors, Field Services, Leadership Development and Strategies & Analytics.
What Attendees Say About
CS Week
“Thanks for being friendly, enthusiastic and speaking in plain language.”
“Excellent presentation, very knowledgeable, confirming that building it ourselves has a lot of value scored it.”
“Speakers were well prepared and able to answer all questions. Data in presentation was very helpful and practical. Fantastic job!”
“Very relatable. I should schedule a tour to see how your new system is working.”
“I received a lot of good information to take back to the senior leadership at my organization.”
“This is incredible technology. This content should be repeated in future years to show other use cases and value-added benefits.”
What Makes Us Different?
CS Week content is created by utility professionals for utility professionals. Course offerings range from basics for supervisors or managers taking on new responsibilities to the latest complexities facing customer service functions in an ever-changing technological world. CS Week is about learning, networking, and maximizing opportunities to take back to the office.
View our CS Week Attendee Perspectives videos to hear thoughts and opinions from actual CS Week Attendees.
C-level executives, VPs, managers, directors and all levels of customer service personnel, marketing, rates & regulations, call centers, collections, e-business, B2B, technology development and application support professionals benefit from comprehensive programs designed to enhance their productivity and effectiveness as key personnel. Attendees gain insights from knowledgeable speakers, profit from solutions and ideas shared amongst peers and expand their awareness of the latest trends and technologies.
CS Week brings together the largest number of exhibitors and consultants dedicated to customer service and IT in the utility industry, providing each attendee the opportunity to learn about the newest technologies and solutions on the market.
Due to the invaluable support of its many sponsors each year, the CS Week venue registration fees remain the best value of any educational event in the industry.
How Can I Become a Presenter at CS Week?
Calls for Presentations are issued each summer to seek out the most pressing, current and richest course content along with speakers for both Conference Workshops and business process-focused Deep Dives. The Calls are posted on our website, on our Facebook page and in the summer issue of our quarterly publication, CS Week Newsline. Planning and Advisory Teams from other Venues are always looking for trending, innovative, collaborative content. They seek speakers from industry leaders paving the way for others to follow.
Find forums to discuss hurdles to integration, the latest technologies and current challenges:
AMI and MDM benefits, challenges and technology and deployment
Automating service delivery with artificial intelligence, bots and automation
Call center techniques, strategies and technology
Changing role of CSRs
Changing role of field reps
CIS selection and implementation
Cloud Technologies
Customer experience
Customer engagement and self-service strategies
Customer service training and techniques
Customer survey data collection, management and protection
Credit & collections
Data privacy and cybersecurity issues
Demand response
Devices, data and analytics
Disaster response and recovery
Electronic bill payment and presentment
Field and office safety
IoT and Home energy management
Integrating GIS with CIS
Low income and at-risk customer programs and services
Meeting customer expectations and demands
Net metering
Options for extending legacy systems
Outsourcing and multi-sourcing
Outage communication management
Payment and prepayment options
Rate case management
Regulatory factors
Risk Mitigation
Smart Grid preparedness
Social media
Strategies for bill presentment
Successful project management
Systems implementations and upgrades

Attendee Profile:
Utility customer service and IT executives
Customer service managers, directors and supervisors
Call/contact center managers
IT managers and personnel
Mobile data services managers
Project managers
Selection and implementation teams
Billing specialists
Finance directors, city managers and public utility officials
Attendees Depend on CS Week For:
Exploring high-quality technology choices.
Listening to the perspectives of other utility professionals who have been there, done that.
Learning how to compare and measure customer service success.
Reviewing business strategies needed to unleash the full potential of utility customer service.
A Sampling of Utilities that Attended CS Week
AES Corp
Alabama Power Company
AEP Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Alameda Municipal Power
Albany Utilities
Alectra Utilities
Alliant Energy
AltaGas Utilities, Inc.
Ambit Energy
Ameren Corp

April 29 - May 2, 2024
Fort Worth Convention Center
Fort Worth, TX

May 5 - 8, 2025
Phoenix Convention Center
Phoenix, AZ