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Leadership Lessons Learned From Our Mentors: Time-Honoured Values That Are Shaping The Utility Customer Experience Of The Future
By: David J. McKendry
David J. McKendry and 39 chapter co-authors have plumbed rich childhood memories, reflected on growth experiences in classrooms and athletic fields and offered insights on business and personal relationships that have paved the path to leadership roles in their utilities. This book challenges readers to recall their own mentors, sometimes good, other times not so much, who have shaped values and provided a moral compass.
Besides the short, conversational chapters, readers will delight in the photo scrapbook, featuring old and current memories of special mentors. These images dot each chapter, helping readers put faces and context to the co-authors’ stories. Read a chapter at a time or cover-to-cover, Leadership Lessons Learned from Our Mentors will touch your heart and inspire you to appreciate your own part as a mentor for others.
Profiles in Excellence: Utility Chief Customer Officers
By: Penni McLean-Conner
Penni McLean-Conner shares the stories of eight all-star chief customer officers who have demonstrated success in creating a customer-focused culture, developing a team dedicated to customers and providing valued customer facing products and services. This is a must-read for aspiring customer service leaders.
Rethinking Utility Customer Care
Satisfying Your Always-Connected, Always On Customers
By: Todd W. Arnold
Ubiquitous digital communication has created a customer that's always connected, always on. Utilities are adopting digital communication to connect to the grid, the meter and the customer. Todd Arnold, industry veteran with over 40 years' experience, examines the convergence of these two trends - the "smart customer" with smart energy - revealing the implications, challenges and opportunities for utility customer service.